
Here's Annie and her husband Jeff Ward at the re-wedding of Annie's parents, David and Ellen Stewart. Annie is very pregnant with the quads and decided not to stand up for her parents. She turned that duty over to her sister, Dee.
Annie, with her mother Ellen and her sister Dee, just before the wedding. (Annie's on the right)
Annie and Dee before the wedding, joking about Annie's size.
Annie and her sister Dee greet Andy, whom they haven't seen since he was little. They joke about how much he's grown.
Nancy, Ellen, Steve, and Betsy watch Annie and Dee with Andy.
Bob, Ellen, Annie, and Kim just after Annie and Dee arrived for Chris and Nancy's 50th anniversary party. Annie says the quads are off playing with Dani Andropolous.
Annie, Frannie, Dee, and Nancy.
Ellen and Betsy bring Annie's quads in to Chris and Nancy Hughes' 50th wedding anniversary party at 'Diana's.'
Chris Hughes with either Lowell or Gregory.
Nancy with Maria, Nancy, and Ellen.