
Bob gives Frannie, Bilan, and then-wife Miranda Marlowe an early Christmas present in 1982. Helene Udy played Frannie at this point.
Frannie and Bilan pretend to be singers when they open their new nightgowns from Bob.
Frannie jokes with Bob about how the sweater he got her for Christmas last year fits perfectly this year.
Frannie looks on angrily when Bob gives Miranda some lingerie and they kiss.
Later that night Frannie offers some brownies to Jeff and a very pregnant-with-quads Annie at David and Ellen's Christmas re-wedding.
Frannie at David and Ellen's wedding.
Frannie (as played by Terry VanDerBosch) talks with Jay at Frank and Maggie's Christmas 1984 wedding.
Jay tries to give Frannie an expensive present at the wedding.
Frannie is surprised at how expensive the gift must've been.
Frannie watches Bob raise the flag, with Chris and Nancy. Julianne Moore plays Frannie here.
Amy Lin (Penny Hughes' adopted daughter) and Frannie talk when Frannie was in London over Thanksgiving in 1986.
Frannie talking to Amy Lin.
Frannie comes face-to-face with her lookalike half-sister/cousin Sabrina Fullerton Hughes.
Bob and Frannie talk about Sabrina on Christmas 1987.
Frannie tells Bob that even though she may not be in Oakdale, no matter where she is she'll always be "his girl."
Frannie hugs Nancy after she hears about Chris' death.
Casey Peretti drives Frannie up to Ellen Stewart's cabin, where Tom and Margo were for the weekend, to tell them about Chris' death.
Frannie dances on the beach with Darryl Crawford. Mary Ellen Stuart played Frannie here.
Frannie and Darryl dance.